Round Rock Property Division Lawyer With Creative Solutions
Property division is one of the most contentious aspects of a Texas divorce. You may worry about how to maintain valuable assets and financial stability as you end your marriage. Determining how property is divided between spouses varies from state to state, and it’s crucial to consult with a skilled attorney familiar with Texas property division laws.
I’m Michelle L. Ibeling, a family law attorney who has successfully helped many spouses through this complex process. I’m committed to finding strategic solutions for your property division matters, so you can hold onto what you want most and move forward after your divorce feeling secure.
Understanding Texas Property Division Laws
When it comes to property division, there are two categories that assets fall into: community property and separate property. Community property is, generally, anything acquired by either spouse during the marriage. Common examples of community property include your family home, bank accounts, and investments. There can be several types of separate property, which refers to assets that were either obtained prior to marriage, gifted to a spouse, or certain portions of a personal injury settlement.
Texas is a community property state when it comes to divorce, which means all community property that was obtained during marriage is eligible for division. Spouses can make decisions on their own regarding this division of assets, but if they are unable to come to an agreement, then the court will decide. Texas courts consider various factors when dividing community assets, aiming to achieve a division that is “just and right” between the spouses. This does not mean an equal split between the spouses.
Instead, courts consider certain factors to determine how to divide property, including:
- The length of the marriage
- Each spouse’s earning capacity
- Each spouse’s relative needs
- Each spouse’s contribution to the marriage
- Each spouse’s conduct during the marriage
The last factor often comes into consideration in fault divorces, where one spouse may have engaged in misconduct. This can impact the outcome of the property division if the court deems it appropriate.
Contact An Austin Property Division Lawyer Today
Property division is a complex part of every divorce. Every case is different, as all spouses have different assets that must be considered thoroughly to achieve a satisfactory outcome. As a property division attorney, I understand how concerned you might be over this process. I will work closely with you to develop a strategy that will yield positive results.
Call Ibeling Law Limited at 512-893-6860 today to schedule a consultation regarding your property division matter. You can also send an email online at your convenience. I represent divorce Round Rock, Austin and the surrounding area.